Portable Magic How to Catch a Reader, The Annual Conference
Every April, we host our conference that draws in book loving parents, school staff, teachers, librarians, publishers, booksellers and professionals from across the UK.
This past weekend, we all gathered in Rugby School for a jam packed weekend of books, cake, panels, seminars and author presentations. Plus so much more! Our theme was Portable Magic, How to Catch a Reader and we were treated to so many conversations about bringing children and books together. We all left feeling inspired and engaged, armed with books to tempt readers in.
One of the highlights of the weekend is the publishers exhibition, where over 30 publishers set up a stand filled with books, bags, posters and stickers for delegates to talk about, take home and share with readers. The opportunity to see what books are being published and to have an early read of a proof copy is too good to pass up. Publishers are always incredibly generous and we are so grateful for their time, energy and expertise over the weekend.
Browse our program of events and continue reading, for a whistle stop tour, to understand just how brilliant this weekend is! Dates and location of the 2024 conference will be announced shortly so keep your eyes peeled for that and do consider coming along! To find your local group and get involved in other ways, please check out our website.
Delegates were welcomed with a bag filled with proofs, catalogues and weekend information. A tea break was sponsored by Hachette with biscuits and early proof copies of the new Kiran Millwood Hargrave. Then it was a chance to listen to publishers try to squeeze in as many books into their timed 2 minute presentations. Delegates were then able to browse the publisher exhibitions, chat to publicists and discover new books.
A delicious dinner was served before Tracey Corderoy took to the stage to talk about 10 years of Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam. Steven Lenton was unable to make it but Tracey did a stellar job of the event, including a draw along, game and quiz.
The evening was drawn to a close with poetry from the wonderful Nyanda Foday. She read several of her poems as well as introducing us to her picture book.
This is a full on day of panels, seminars and more opportunities to chat with publishers.
Many began the day in rapt attention as M.G.Leonard took to the stage to talk about her successful series of books. She had us laughing, nodding along and hoping for many more books from her.
The first panel was about non-fiction and its power to inspire readers. Featuring Dr Ronx, Alison David and Emma Dods, experts around this subject area.
Tea and biscuits were provided by Red Shed to celebrate their 10th anniversary.
The next panel asked the question, “Can Picture Books Tackle Divorce?” and featured Phil Earle and Clare Helen Welsh. Thoughtful and inspiring, their books are empathy laden and ideal for sharing.
We then had time for one more panel and a special treat before lunch.
Nicki Thornton, Emma Norry and Anna Goodall treated us to the Fantastical and Magical discussion around their books. Fascinating insights from each author were shared.
Canadian author, Laura Baker then read us her story, All the Wonderful Ways to Read and shared the inspiration behind this story.
Lunch was delicious and a chance to chat, recommend and share ideas.
The afternoon began with a decision to be made over which panel to attend. Laura Wood, Ben Martynoga, Laura Gladwin or Humour Hooks with Derek Keilty, Jenny McLachlan and Myles McLeod.
A powerful panel discussion on Representative Voices was discussed amongst Candy Gourlay, A.M. Dassu and Ravena Guron.
We then had cakes provided by Usborne celebrating the publication of My Name is Sunshine Simpson with author G.M Linton.
The AGM and Group Meetings were next, providing a chance to groups across the UK to share ideas, promotion tips and ways to engage with their communities.
The Gala dinner was held in a beautiful space on the school grounds and before being served, we offered a toast to the wonderful Judith Kerr who was born 100 years ago.
Joseph Coelho shared some poetry with us before dessert and it was a brilliant end to a day of inspiration.
This is the half day event but no less filled with events and panels to engage!
Ross Montgomery shared some London secrets that inspired his latest book, Spellstone and did a reading which had the audience gasping.
We were then treated to a sneak peek at the latest Rocket adventure, Speak Up by Nathan Bryon and Dapo Adeola. They are a talented duo who are taking the picture book world by storm.
Our last tea break was sponsored by Zephyr Books celebrating the publication of Bridget Vanderpuff and the Baked Escape featuring author Martin Stewart, who brought a selection of baked treats from Scotland just for the event!
New to conference this year, was a panel all about graphic novels and the entire audience was in rapt attention as Andy Riley, Mark Bradley and Marty Long spoke about their books but also about how popular graphic novels are and it’s growing movement of followers.
The last panel featured Simon James Green, Josh Silver and Freja Nicole Woolf and they discussed LGBTQ+ stories for a YA audience.
Lunch soon followed and the room was buzzing with discussions about the panels seen that morning.
The entire weekend flew past and we had so many positive comments and compliments about the weekend. We had a blast and a special thank you needs to go to Joy Court for masterminding the weekend program and her team of merry executive members for taking care of all the delegates, panellists, authors, illustrators and publishers.
We look forward to sharing full details of our next conference very soon and hope to welcome even more people next year.