National Non-Fiction November General Resources
This section contains resources from past years which are still relevant.
It includes:
- 57 ideas for Running a Book Group Activity during National Non-Fiction November
- The Author Selfie-Shelfie Game
- Guess Which Book game
- Catherine Barr’s Non-Fiction Book Creation Competition Workshop
- 2016 100 Brilliant Non-Fiction Books for children and young people
A great activity for National Non-Fiction November is to create your own non-fiction books. You might decide to write a joke book, a craft book, or a local history book – we’re keen for groups to tailor their bookmaking to the interests of their local members, highlighting the huge variety that non-fiction comes in.
We’ve created a free resource pack available for all to download, to facilitate in brainstorming and planning a session or two around writing and publishing your own non-fiction book as a group.
The activity pack mentions several additional resources which you can also download for free:
Click here to download the non-fiction Author Selfie-Shelfie game! (pdf)
Click here to download the Guess which book game – a book take on the classic Guess Who game. This pack, which contains lots of book covers (used with permission), can also be used to create displays and play memory guessing games.
Author Catherine Barr (‘Elliot’s Arctic Surprise’, ‘The Story of Life’) has developed a framework for running non-fiction book creation competitions in schools and book groups. You can download her activity pack, full of resources and a step by step guide to the competition workshop here:
Catherine Barr’s Non-fiction book creation competition workshop
Catherine, Patron of Reading for Longtown Community Primary School in Herefordshire, is available to do school visits and can be contacted via Twitter @catherine_barr
One further resource we’ve created, with the hope that it makes it a little easier to book non-fiction authors, illustrators and book creators for events at book groups, in schools and libraries, is a leaflet (free for anyone to use) with background information and contact details for a variety of non-fiction authors/illustrators/book creatre:
Click here to download the non-fiction author booking leaflet (pdf).
Answers to the Shelfie-Selfie game
Author: Bookshelf number
Alex Woolf: 1
Andy Seed: 2
Adam Murphy: 3
Sean Callery: 4
Stewart Ross: 5
Nicola Morgan: 6
Raman Prinja: 7
Isabel Thomas: 8
Susie Hodge: 9
Moira Butterfield: 10
Dan Green: 11
Maggie Li: 12