Setting up a local Children’s Book Group
Children’s Book Groups are the lifeblood of the Federation whose aim is to bring young people and books together.
The Federation is committed to encouraging new groups and to reaching families and carers through their local Book Groups.
If you are interested in setting up a Children’s Book Group the following information should help. Your first point of contact is Hilarie Medler, Group Liaison Officer, who can be contacted here. There is also a Group Pack which provides detailed information, which will shortly be available to download from this page. If in the meantime you would like to request a Group Pack please email the Group Liaison Officer.
To set up a local Children’s Book Group it is likely you will need:
- a group of like minded people from your local community who may include parents, teachers, librarians to form a small committee;
- a venue where you can meet: a school, library or community hall where in future you will hold your events;
- to advertise your initial meeting widely to get as many interested people as possible to support you in setting up a Children’s Book Group;
Contact the Groups Liaison Officer, Hilarie Medler, who will aim to put you in touch with a local well established group who may be able to offer some support to start your own book group and give advice on organising your first meeting. From that initial meeting you will need to form a small committee which must include a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The Children’s Book Group must become a member of the Federation and you must subscribe to ensure you have essential insurance cover for your group. In order to become a member of the FCBG, it is also necessary to set up a bank account in the group’s name.
We really do value our groups so if you wish to set up a Children’s Book Group, we will give you as much support as we can. Setting up a Children’s Book Group is an exciting and worthwhile venture which helps to develop a culture of reading amongst the young people and adults involved which lasts a lifetime.