National Non-Fiction November
National Non-Fiction November is the Federation of Children’s Book Groups’ annual celebration of all things factual. Born out of National Non-Fiction Day, the brain child of Adam Lancaster during his years as Chair, the whole month now celebrates all those readers that have a passion for information and facts and attempts to bring non fiction celebration in line with those of fiction.
Why not celebrate National Non-Fiction November by arranging an author visit or exploring one of the many types of non-fiction books for children and young people, any time during the month of November? You could team up with a library, local museum or organisation and build a session around books on a particular topic, such as local history or famous people.
National Non-Fiction November 2024
Why Don’t You?
The theme for NNFN2024 was ‘Why Don’t You?’ which aimed to stimulate discussion about hobbies and leisure activities and to encourage children to try something new.
For the competition, children were invited to create a short ‘advert’ for their hobby. This could have been a video, a poster, a letter or a leaflet, but the focus had to be on ‘why don’t you?’ – in other words, encouraging others to have a go. The winners were announced on the FCBG blog on 16th December.
Many thanks to Magic Cat Publishing for offering prizes and helping with the final judging.
A booklet of ideas was created to support book groups, libraries, teachers and families plan for NNFN which can be downloaded below
National Non-Fiction November Ideas Booklet 2024
A ‘Hobbies and Leisure Activities’ booklist is available to download here and there are a number of other non-fiction booklists available in the resources section of the website.
We want to express our huge thanks to the publishers who generously support NNFN.