Stupendous Sports Series by Robin Bennett

Stupendous Sports is a popular series for sports loving readers.  A mix of fact, fiction and funny, these books are ideal for summer reading.  Check out the blog from author Robin Bennett about his series. Stupendous Sports Series by Robin Bennett When I was about fifteen and first tried my hand at writing something other […]

The Lonely Tiger by Terenia Edwards

Aspiring picture book authors, this is the blog for you.  Terenia Edwards shares the origins of The Lonely Tiger in her guest blog for us today and it is hopeful and helpful to read!   I’m so pleased The Lonely Tiger is my first mark on the world of children’s publishing. I’ve had aspirations to […]

Leah Thaxton on the Editor’s Role in winning the Branford Boase Award

The winners of the Branford Boase Award for 2023 were announced on the 13th of July in a ceremony hosted at the CLPE Library in London.  The winners of this prestigious prize were  Christine Pillainayagam and her editor Leah Thaxton of Faber & Faber for Ellie Pillai is Brown.  We were delighted when Leah took some time […]

Queen of the Gods by Katharine and Elizabeth Corr

Katharine and Elizabeth Corr share their passion for books in their guest blog today.  Sisters and authors, they have written about their favourite books growing up and they encourage us to write down and take note of our own favourites! We are both hoarders. One of us is worse than the other, but we both […]

Emma Read on her love of libraries

We are delighted to share a guest blog from author Emma Read about her love of libraries.  Many of our readers have a vested interest in libraries and reading so this will be a joyous blog to read.   Author Emma Read on her love of libraries I’ve always loved a library. Growing up in […]

Secret Sister by Sophie McKenzie

We are so excited to share our Q&A with Sophie McKenzie.  It is all about her newest book, Secret Sister. Read on to learn more about this story and about Sophie herself. Please tell us about your latest book, Secret Sister. Secret Sister is the story of Asha and Willow – twin sisters, separated as […]

The Bedtime Boat by Sital Gorasia Chapman

The Bedtime Boat by Sital Gorasia Chapman is a story that many children will find restful and restorative after a busy day.  Recently, author Sital Gorasia Chapman answered a few questions about her book for us. Can you tell us a bit about your new book, The Bedtime Boat? It’s about a little boy, Chandan, […]

The CLiPPA Awards by Head Judge Chris Riddell

The winner of the CLiPPA, CLPE Children’s Poetry Award, was announced on Monday 10 July at a live poetry show on the Lyttleton stage of the National Theatre. US poets Ted Kooser and Connie Wanek were named winners for their collection of poems inspired by nature, Marshmallow Clouds(Walker Books), illustrated by Richard Jones. In a […]

The Beasts of Knobbly Bottom by Emily-Jane Clark

This new series by Emily-Jane Clark is sure to delight readers and have them giggling through the adventure.  When given the chance to read the book and send some questions to the author, we jumped at the chance.  Read on for the fantastic answers about vampire sheep and Knobbly Bottom!   Where did the idea […]

A Story About a Story by James Burks

Agent 9 is a new graphic novel series published by Piccadilly Press. It’s creator James Burks sheds some light into his background and the creation of Agent 9 on our blog today. A Story About a Story by James Burks Hello. I want to tell you a story, but what type of story should I […]