For Newcomers and For Welcomers by Katherine Applegate

We are so pleased to share a blog from well-known author, Katherine Applegate, all about her book Wishtree.  This is newly published in the UK and it has a wonderful message in the dedication, which she explains in greater detail. When I learned that my novel, Wishtree, was going to be published in the UK, […]

Magic and Dead Good Detectives by Jenny McLachlan

Jenny McLachlan’s Land of Roar series brought fun, imagination and magic to readers everywhere.  Her new book will bring a new sense of mystery and magic.  She explains where the initial idea sprang from in her blog below! When I visit schools I hatch a dragon out of an egg. SPOILER ALERT! It’s a puppet. […]

All’s Well That Ends Well by Roy Peachey

A truly thought-provoking blog from author Roy Peachey about endings and beginnings in stories. “Why have you started with the epilogue?” my daughter asked me. She’d picked up Cliffhangers, my latest work in progress, and was looking at it with a bemused expression. ​It was a good question. As authors and teachers, we tend to […]

How an ‘anti-librarian’ inspired me to write for the anti-reader

We would be incredibly surprised if this blog from author, Jessica Scott-Whyte, didn’t get you to think about your own experiences and to think to a time when books had a profound effect on you. When I was in secondary school, around year 9, a new librarian was hired to replace the school’s previous librarian […]

The Inspiration that Sparked My Own Lightning by Lauren Wolk

We enjoy publishing blogs where the author shares some insight into the inspiration for their books, characters or settings.  Lauren Wolk, author of My Own Lightning, her latest book, shares just this and it may just encourage you to read more of her books. When I sat down to write My Own Lightning, I was […]

The Girl Who Noticed Everything

We have an inspirational blog for you from Jane Porter, explaining the inspiration behind her books and her thrill of working with young children. The Inspiration Behind The Girl Who Noticed Everything and Why Stella’s Story Matters by Jane Porter Every week I visit a local nursery and spend a very happy hour making pictures and reading […]

FCBG Asks- Alex Falase-Koya

FCBG Asks is a regular monthly feature where we send an author, illustrator or publisher a set of questions about their work.  This month, we are so excited to share our blog with Alex Falase-Koya, creator of Marv, a new young superhero! Where did the idea for Marv come from? I’ve always loved superheroes, it’s […]

Inspiring all kids to love STEM

Non-fiction books can be so inspiring for young readers, offering them the chance to learn more, ask questions and be curious.  Saskia Gwinn was inspired to create her book from questions her son asked! Read on for her guest blog! Inspiring all kids to love STEM (from the earliest age) STEM. Four ground-breaking, trendsetting, glorious […]

No Sleep for Bear by Duncan Beedie

Welcome back Bear! This blog from author-illustrator Duncan Beedie gives some insight into revisiting a character! It’s a great blog and a super book. ‘No Sleep For Bear’: Reawakening Bear Back in February 2016, my debut picture book was launched by Templar Publishing. My story about a socially awkward bright orange bear must have struck […]

How vampires give a teen coming-of-age tale added bite

We are pleased to share this guest blog from author Jo Simmons.  The Reluctant Vampire Queen is a book for young teens to sink their teeth into! The Reluctant Vampire Queen by Jo Simmons   While I was working on The Reluctant Vampire Queen, I nicknamed it my ‘feminist vampire’ story. The feminism comes via […]