Entries by FCBG blog

Bin Boy by Tom Vaughn and Emma McCann

We often get to ask authors questions about their books, and sometimes illustrators- but today we get both perspectives. We sent our questions to both Tom and Emma and you can read their responses below! Written by Tom Vaughan, Illustrated by Emma McCann, Published by Scholastic Fantastically funny, this book is sure to get readers […]

Mystery of the Night Watchers by A.M. Howell

Mystery of the Night Watchers is the third book from A.M. Howell. Readers have previously enjoyed The Garden of Lost Secrets and The House of 100 Clocks. This newest adventure will see the arrival of Halley’s Comet in 1910. A.M. Howell shares her inspirations with us! Cover by Saara Soderlund Photo by Tom Soper The […]

Q&A with Maria Kuzniar

The Ship of Shadows was published to much fanfare and the sequel is within sights of readers this month. Publishing next week, Secrets of the Stars, features the same crew with a new adventure. We asked Maria a few questions about the upcoming sequel.  How does it feel to be back with the crew from […]

Splash by Claire Cashmore- Q&A

Claire Cashmore is widely known for her MBE and Paralympic Gold Medal. Now she shares her story in a picture book and we were given the great opportunity to ask her a few questions. Read on below for a bit more insight into Splash. You have written a wonderful story and a powerful author’s note.  […]

Skywake by Jamie Russell

Skywake: Invasion is a sci-fi debut by Jamie Russell. Published on 1 July, we are pleased to share a guest post from Jamie about his inspiration for writing his book. Reluctant Readers Level Up: The Inspiration Behind SkyWake: Invasion In 2021, reading is hard. I’m not talking about the ongoing global pandemic (although that definitely […]

Q&A with Terri Libenson

Tyler, Brianna, Jaime, Izzy and Emmie are all characters in Terri Libenson’s graphic novels, published in the UK by HarperCollins. Erin Hamilton was recently offered the opportunity to ask Terri a few questions about her characters! In a previous interview, you mentioned using “voice” when cartooning.  How do you ensure the character’s voice comes through […]

You Should Make a Comic by Phil Corbett

Kitty Quest is a new graphic novel for readers aged 7+. Creator Phil Corbett has written an inspirational piece for the FCBG about creating your own comic. Everyone should make comics. Or at least give it a try. Don’t say you can’t draw. I know you can. I’ve seen those doodles you absentmindedly drew while […]

Sports Legends by Rick Broadbent

This book is publishing at an opportune time with the Euros, Olympics and Wimbledon all taking place this summer. Author Rick Broadbent has written a feature for the FCBG about his inspiration for Sports Legends. The inspiration for my book, Sports Legends, actually had nothing to do with sport. It came when I went to […]

Q&A With Clare Weze, Author of The Lightning Catcher

Erin Hamilton of the FCBG was recently given the opportunity to ask author Clare Weze a few questions about her debut children’s book, The Lightning Catcher. Can you tell us about your book in a couple of sentences? When Alfie moves to a new village and finds freakish weather to investigate, he accidentally releases something […]

A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Georghia Ellinas

Shakespeare plays are given a new lease of life under the skillful crafting of Georghia Ellinas and Jane Ray. Beautifully re-told and illustrated, these will introduce Shakespeare to a new audience. Georghia has written a fabulous piece for the FCBG about We know that stories play a crucial part in developing children’s understanding of the […]