The Federation of Children’s Book Groups Blog

Otters vs Badgers by Anya Glazer

What will stop Otters and Badgers from fighting?  Francie has some ideas to save the day and they are delicious! Check out Anya’s blog today about her book! Cookies to share, in books and in life When I first started working on my picture book Otters vs Badgers, I didn’t know how much it would […]

Food Fight by Alex Latimer

Food Fight is full of fun, puns and a brilliant story- all brought to life by Alex Latimer.  In his guest blog today, he shares some insight into the creation of this book!   Food Fight – Alex Latimer I love when a book idea grabs me and won’t let go. Food Fight was one […]

Don’t Panic! We CAN save the planet by James Campbell

James Campbell has written a guest blog for us around saving the planet and how he began growing food in a bathtub! With inspiring stories and ideas, this is a blog that calls you to action!   I have become more and more worried about the planet ever since I started hearing about climate change. […]

Adventuremice: A Feast of Stories by Reeve & McIntyre

Today’s guest blog is from the dynamic duo of Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre.  Their blog will have your tummy rumbling and you reaching for the cheese!! SO many delightful snacks in their series, Adventuremice!     Adventuremice: a Feast of Stories by Philip Reeve & Sarah McIntyre Adventuremice love adventure… but they also love […]

Six Children’s Books with Great Food by Pari Thomson

Food and books are such a perfect match!  Will author Pari Thomson tempt you to read her six favourite books featuring food with her guest blog today? Six children’s books with great food by Pari Thomson Food and books are two of my favourite things in life – so food in books is pretty much […]

Feasting in the Street by Gillian Cross

We have a delicious blog from Gillian Cross about food, festivals and popcorn cannons! Feasting in the Street I’ve done a lot of cooking. I’ve roasted food and simmered it. Boiled it and fried it and grilled it. Made it into cakes and puddings, pies and stews and gratins. But I’ve never exploded it. I’d […]

Recipes from Katherine Rundell’s Books

We are thrilled to share a guest blog from the Bloomsbury Team about the feast of food featured in Katherine Rundell’s stories. Read on and then head to the shop to gather your ingredients for a yummy feast.   In many of Katherine Rundell’s books, you can find unique and delicious recipes to test out. […]

Tasty Tales by Anna Lena Feunekes

Tasty Tales: A feast of history and food Hey there! My name is Anna Lena Feunekes and I’m the author of Tasty Tales, a book about food lore and history. During Share a Story Month the idea of sharing more about the book gets me all excited about one thing: how food brings us together! […]

A Caribbean Feast of Stories by G.M. Linton

A Caribbean Feast of Stories I could not have created Sunshine Simpson and her family without the compelling life stories of my parents, and the rich cultural experiences I enjoyed when growing up. My parents, who travelled to England from Jamaica in the 1950s, would often sit in the front room of our family home […]

A Pinch of Love by Barry Timms

A Pinch of Love by Barry Timms is an ideal fit for our theme of A Feast of Stories. Check out his guest blog below and get baking! A Feast of Stories  Barry Timms, writing about A Pinch of Love We don’t often talk about its ancestral origins, but eating together still holds a firm […]

b small launches Young Language Learner Award

b small publishing have recently announced an award called the Young Language Learner Award. We have a guest blog from Naomi Weeks, who works for b small and introduces us to this exciting opportunity. I really wasn’t interested in language learning in school. I barely remember my Primary school French lessons, and in Secondary school […]

Each Table Tells a Story by Ella Phillips

Our first blog for National Share A Story Month is a lovely piece from Ella Phillips, author of My Grandma’s Magic Recipes series. Sure to warm your heart and your kitchen!   Each Table Tells a Story By Ella Phillips “Are you hungry?” Isn’t that often the greeting when visiting relatives or friends, especially of […]

National Share A Story Month Booklist

The first of May can only mean one thing- it is the start of our annual National Share A Story month!  This year’s theme is A Feast of Stories and we are celebrating the wonderful relationship that exists between books and food! Please check out our website for the details of the competition to design […]

Desi Girl Speaking by A.S. Hussain

Author A.S. Hussain writes a rousing call to action guest blog around mental health and poses the question, Are you Ready to Speak Up?   Are You Ready To Speak Up? by A.S. Hussain Mental health, today more than ever, is a growing topic with strides being made to break the silence and stigma surrounding […]

Magicalia by Jennifer Bell

What do Pokemon, Astronomy and Poetry have in common? Jennifer Bell will explain in her guest blog for us today!   One of the questions I get asked the most by readers is: where do your ideas come from? I always say they can come from anywhere, but they don’t just fall into my lap; […]

A Poet Who Tells Stories by Nadine Aisha Jassat

Verse Novels are becoming more popular with readers of all ages. Nadine Aisha Jassat, author/poet of The Hidden Story of Estie Noor, writes about being a poet who tells stories.  If you haven’t read a verse novel, then do try one! A Poet Who Tells Stories by Nadine Aisha Jassat I often introduce myself as […]

A Helping Hand with your Literacy Year by Literacy Hive

We always love working with partners around reading and encouraging a love of books. Literacy Hive has written a blog that just may help parents, teachers and librarians to make the most of every day! A Helping Hand with your Literacy Year Despite the overwhelming evidence of the long-term benefits of being a keen reader […]

Bringing Back Kay-Kay by Dev Kothari

We welcome Dev Kothari to the blog today to share some insights into her book, Bringing Back Kay-Kay and sibling relationships! Celebrating sibling relationships by Dev Kothari Some of my most vivid childhood memories involve my older brother. We squabbled all the time. Got on each other’s nerves constantly. He found me annoying. I found […]