Books for Older Readers Category Round Up

We are drawing to a close on this year’s Children’s Book Award blog tour.  Today is a chance to catch up on the Books for Older readers category.  Three brilliant bloggers offered their time and space on their blogs to host content from the three shortlisted authors.  A huge thank you to Anne, Rich and Veronica for getting involved.

We also want to thank the authors, publishers and publicists for working so hard behind the scenes to get the guest blogs written and sent in a short time frame.

Check out the links below for the guest blogs from the authors and head to our website for resources to accompany each title.

Voting is open and all children are invited to vote for their favourites.  Remember that only children can vote and they have to have read all the books in that category.

We started this category with a visit to Vs View from the Bookshelves where Veronica hosted a post from Katya Balen.  She writes about empathy and addressing this within her book, The Light in Everything.

Next, we headed to What I Read, where Rich Simpson hosted “Queen of child-friendly horror”, Jennifer Killick.  Dread Wood is shortlisted and Jennifer writes about her audience and where some of the ideas came from.

The very last stop on the tour belonged to Library Lady, Anne Thompson, where she hosted Phil Earle.  His book, While the Storm Rages takes a look at the animal massacre in 1939, just as the war was getting started.  His guest blog is about the main character Noah and his bravery.

Heath Books is kindly offering a discount on the titles featured on the Top Ten. Head to their website for prices and details.