Children’s Book Award Round Up
It has been a whirlwind month of the Children’s Book Award blog tour. We have had ten dedicated bloggers hosting content from the entire shortlist of books.
We are truly grateful for the time, effort and energy of the bloggers, publishers, publicists and authors in getting this blog tour up and running. This is your chance to catch up on all the blogs, remind yourself of the shortlist and get involved with sharing these titles with children around the UK.
Voting is only open for children and as long as they have read all the books in a category, they can send their votes in! To purchase the books, Heath Books have offered a discount so please do head to their website for further details.
Let’s remind ourselves of the brilliant guest posts written by the shortlisted authors!
We began with our four picture book titles at the beginning of the month.
Erin Hamilton from My Shelves are Full hosted author-illustrator, Jon Agee about his shortlisted title, My Rhinoceros.
Next, we headed over to Kate Heap from Scope for Imagination for a blog from Olaf Falafel about shortlisted title, Blob Fish.
FCBG Children’s Book Award Blog Tour ~ Blob Fish by Olaf Falafel
Our third blog tour stop was hosted by Jacqui Sydney from Mrs Sydney’s Famous World’s Smallest Library. She hosted a blog from Rob Biddulph about his book, The Blue-Footed Booby.
FCBG Children’s Book Award Blog Tour
Finally, our last picture book blog was hosted by Jo Cummins from Library Girl and Book Boy. The final blog was written by Andrew Sanders, author of Where Has All the Cake Gone?
The second part of the CBA blog tour featured our Books for Younger Readers.
Three shortlisted titles were hosted by three bloggers, beginning with Tom Griffiths from Check Em Out Books. He hosted a blog written by co-author of Ollie Spark, Gillian Cross.
Ollie Spark and the Accidental Adventure – Gillian Cross & Alan Snow
Next, we were treated to a blog from Lucy Brandt, author of Leonora Bolt. She was hosted by Karen Wall at K and O Bonkers About Books. The full article can also be views on the Booktrust website.
Our third and final blog tour stop for this category saw the book character Loki take over Dean Boddington’s blog, Mister Bodd. Written by Louie Stowell, Loki, A Bad God’s Guide to being Good rounds off this shortlist category.
FCBG Children’s Book Award – Loki: A Bad God’s Guide to Being Good – Louie Stowell
Our last category is Books for Older Readers.
Up first in this category was Veronica Price, hosting Katya Balen on her blog, V’s Views from the Bookshelves. Katya’s shortlisted book is The Light in Everything.
FCBG Children’s Book Award Blog Tour: The Light in Everything by Katya Balen
We then went to Rich Simpson from What I Read where he was joined by Jennifer Killick, author of Dread Wood.
Our final stop of this category and indeed, the entire blog tour was Anne Thompson and her blog, Library Lady. She hosted a guest blog from Phil Earle about his shortlisted title, While the Storm Rages.
FCBG Children’s Book Award Blog Tour: While the Storm Rages by Phil Earle
A huge thank you to all who worked hard behind the scenes to make this CBA blog tour a big success.
There are resources available on each of the titles available from the FCBG website,
Time to get the children reading and voting!