Mind and Me by Sunita Chawdhary

Author Sunita Chawdhary has written a brilliant blog about the power of the mind and how her main character learns to navigate life using her mind, understanding of emotions and her senses.

I have always marvelled at the way our brains and minds work. As a child, travelling the world and growing up withmulticultural influences, my creative mind was my most magical companion. Even now as a parent, glimpses into the inner world of my children’s minds can transport me to magical places. From day-dreaming and memory-making, to the transformative power of imaginative play, their minds are constantly performing fantastic feats. I can’t help but wonder what unique ideas they will come up with next. When I think about the complexities and capabilities of the human mind, including those we don’t yet fully understand, it seems miraculous to me. I was inspired by the idea that a child’s mind could be the ultimate sidekick.

My new book, Mind & Me tells the story of Maya, a British-Indian girl with a multicultural identity, whose relationship with her over-active Mind develops as she makes her way through a challenging situation – her pet rabbit, named Pooey,has gone missing! Maya’s narrative takes us on a fun adventure through the ups and downs of her experiences with her Mind, as the mystery unfolds.

Mind & Me celebrates the mind in all its magnificence and its mischiefs! In amongst the humour, Maya’s interactions include feeling at odds with her Mind. She sometimes feels conflicted about wanting to do the ‘right’ thing and the ‘wrong’ thing, as her Mind perceives it. She is left feeling unsure of herself and has to figure out ways to work through this and find a happy balance. Maya learns, along the way, how to mindfully deal with difficult feelings.

Parents and teachers can help young readers spot the five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) that Mind uses to help Maya look for her missing pet rabbit Pooey, as well as the five ways to well-being, in the story:

1. Connecting with others

2. Being active & getting moving

3. Learning new things

4. Giving to others & being kind

5. Focussing on what’s going on here and now

I believe that sharing our stories is one of the most important ways we can connect with ourselves and with others. Reading helps build empathy and that is something the world needs more of!

Mind & Me introduces playful and meaningful ways for us to talk with children about their thoughts and feelings, and encourages them to get to know and look after their minds. The book can be used to invite children to mark-make as a way of expressing thoughts and feelings. There is room for children to add their own drawings and words to the ones popping out of Maya’s black hole of worries on page 83 and to talk to a grown-up who looks after them about this. Like the ones already drawn, they can give their thoughts and feelings funny faces and their own labels if it helps to name them.

I hope that Mind & Me will inspire young readers to explore their minds and discover the power and magic of their own imaginations. I’ve loved getting to know Maya and her Mind, and can’t wait for everyone else to meet them too!

Mind and Me by Sunita Chawdhary is out now, published by Knights Of

Find @sunitachawdhary and @_knightsof on Twitter.



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