FCBG Quiz with Christopher Lloyd

The Federation of Children’s Book Groups has its AGM this coming weekend on the 17th of April. As a celebration, and a nod to the missed conference this year, we are pleased to be offering members a chance to take part in a brilliant quiz with the exceptional Christopher Lloyd. Read on for more information and a link! More information about the AGM will be emailed to groups this week.

Silver Linings are Everywhere!

Despite the chaos and stress of this last year, since the outbreak of the pandemic, there are definitely some silver linings. In fact, there are always silver linings, whatever happens – it’s just that sometimes you have to look a bit harder than usual…

Here’s one. I can tell you from our experience of launching the first Britannica Children’s Encyclopedia in a generation, that the appetite for high quality, factually robust children’s non-fiction has never been greater. In a world of ‘fake news’, it is so invigorating to see that verified content from a trusted source in a printed medium is in high demand. I can reveal that in just four months we’ve sold more than 100,000 copies of the new Britannica Children’s Encyclopedia:’ What We Know and What We Don’t. This success is allowing us to invest in more titles to engage curious young minds in reading from books about the real world – far more amazing than anything you can make up!

Another silver lining is that having been prevented from visiting schools to give talks as I usually do, I have been able to create a Zoom-based virtual quiz show – where participants are introduced to the new Britannica encyclopedia chapter by chapter. We then quiz away in real time, over the course of 60 minutes, to find out who is the Britannica Brainbox of the day. It is enormous fun to be the host and quizmaster, as well as to be able to reach out to youngsters and the parents and teachers everywhere from Singapore to Vancouver and from Gibraltar to Perth.

So please join me at 7pm on Saturday 17th April, at the FCBG AGM, and prepare to amaze yourself (and colleagues) with your quizzing skills as we journey through 13.8 billion years in just 60 minutes! The more that join in, the merrier, so please do register free at the link below. I can’t wait to see you then!


Christopher Lloyd – chris@whatoenarthbooks.com

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