Welcome to the wonderful world of Noodle Juice
Welcome to the wonderful world of Noodle Juice!
Noodle Juice? I hear you say. Why, what’s that? A new takeaway? No, we’re a new publisher, and not just any sort of publisher…
You see, we make books that will fizz in your brain, fuel your noggin, and get you and children all over the country thinking REALLY BIG THOUGHTS whilst laughing at silly jokes or marvelling at stunning illustrations.
We are creating books that are irreverent, energetic, visually exciting, fact-packed, laugh-out-loud eyeball magnets. We like to think that we amaze, we amuse and we very definitely surprise!
Our pre-school series Elephant And Friends introduces children to the world of manners showing them that the world is a much nicer place if we are all polite to one another.
The Not Just Another board book series is first concepts as you’ve never seen them before and will have toddlers and parents giggling as they learn their ABC and 123.
Little Book Big Ideas series asks really big questions such as what is philosophy? What is art? what is money? and providessimple yet thought-provoking answers illustrated beautifully by Katie Rewse.
When I Grow Up I Want To Be is a series of four books that split careers, traditional and more recent, into different themes: helping people, looking after the planet, making and creating as well as inventing and building.
Our Practically Awesome Animals books show children that practical skills such as baking, cooking and drawing are all perfectly possible with the help of some hilarious animalsillustrated by Mr Griff and Luke Newell!
Clever Cogs puzzle books are targeted at specific age ranges and are packed with colourful bright puzzles to get those cogs turning.
Finally, our Express Yourself guides to creativity cover the history of performance, music and art from ancient times to modern technology, and show how many different careers are involved in the creative industries, while encouraging the reader to get involved now.
Not bad for the first six months! And there’s plenty more to come.
Noodle Juice came about because after 25 years of working in the publishing industry for big name publishers and retailers, we decided it was time to put our hard work, our knowledge of children’s books and our commercial awareness into our own business. We started as a packager and after two years honing our publishing skills, have now moved into publishing proper.
We believe that children of today want to see books that compete head-to-head with the media they consume on screens and devices. The power of words is undisputed, but we want to make sure that the mechanic with which they are delivered is equally powerful.
We are firm believers in the importance of silliness in children’s publishing and that a fun book to read is a fun book to make. We aim to be disruptive and challenge conventions with titles that help little people answer big questions in an increasingly confusing world.
We would love to hear your thoughts about our launch titles so do feel free to drop us a line on info@noodle-juice.com or here @NoodleJuiceBks
Views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Federation.