Banishing Back to School Scaries by Rob Harrell
We are thrilled to welcome Rob Harrell to the blog today to chat about the “back to school scaries”! We know what they feel like and it’s good to reassure students they are normal and to give them some ideas to help them cope!
Heading back to school can be a tricky time for those of us with anxiety. I cover some of these ups and downs in my new middle grade novel Popcorn, but let’s looks at the issue and some coping skills to get through what can be a rough road to navigate.
With school comes all kinds of challenges. Fitting in, managing friendships, knowing who to sit with at lunch, new teachers and classes – maybe even a new school. It’s a bit of a minefield, and one that can cause the old Worry Machine to kick into high gear! So, what’s a tense kid to do?
One thing to keep in mind is that anxiety is a weird thing. It’s got good and bad parts to it. While it can help us to gear up for things – big tests, sports, music recitals – it can also overwhelm us. It’s a little like a superpower that can get out of control and lock a kid up if they don’t work at keeping it at bay. That’s where coping skills and exercises can be really helpful. So let’s look at a few tips to keep those “Back to School Scaries” at bay.
One easy one, as silly as it sounds since we all do it, is breathing. Namely, breathing exercises. Even finding a quiet place to close our eyes and take a few slow deep breaths can help to center us. Really focus on those breaths. Shut out the other thoughts and focus on your breath going in and out. Or box breathing is a great technique, breathe in for four seconds, hold it for four seconds, breathe out for four seconds and let it out slowly for four seconds. And repeat that as many times as you need! It’s easy and effective!
Another huge tip is to talk with someone if you feel overwhelmed – a parent or trusted teacher. Don’t go through it alone. People genuinely want you to be comfortable, and a lot of them have experience with anxiety themselves.
A simple walk outside can do wonders as well! Take a walk in nature. Look at some squirrels, leaves, feel the breeze on your face. Nature has this magical way of calming us down.
The other thing I think is important to remember is that everyone is worrying about themselves more than they are about you. Studies have been done. Other students are more worried about how they’re acting or how they’re dressed WAAAY more than they’re thinking about your outfit or whether you sneeze in class or need to stop in the loo for a quick breather. Trust me on this one. So, you can relax A LOT on that front.
Finally, lean on your friends. Hang out with them and have a good time. A few good laughs over lunch can do wonders towards making that anxiety melt away and giving your worried brain a breather.
Back to school jitters are normal. But everybody gets them. Keep that in mind and try some of these tips, and you’ll go a long way towards keeping those pesky worries at bay.
Popcorn by Rob Harrell is out now, published by Piccadilly Press.
Views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Federation.